Typo date.cpp

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Typo date.cpp

Gilbert Peffer
variable MinimumSerialNumber should be lower case: minimumSerialNumber.

P.S.: If you want, I can correct these things myself. Just tell me how to
check the stuff out...

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how to check the stuff out...

Ferdinando Ametrano-6
Hi all

Gilbert wrote:
>P.S.: If you want, I can correct these things myself.

>  Just tell me how to check the stuff out...
Ooops I hoped this was clear from the developer FAQ
(http://quantlib.sourceforge.net/FAQ.html), but it is not since you're not
the first one who ask this question. I'm working on that. I'll post here
when I update the pages, any suggestion welcome.

To check out you need have CVS, FAQ and
http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=12740 are the guidelines

Actually you want to check in, so I have to add you to the developer team.
I need your SourceForge account (http://sourceforge.net/account/login.php),
as soon as you have it, please email me your username.
Then we will have to wait SourceForge 6h cron tab, in the meantime you can
read the FAQ about cvs, shh, etc.

hope this help Gilbert and all those who might consider contributing to

ciao -- Nando