At 12:38 PM 7/1/03 +0200, Andre Louw wrote:
>Under RedHat I'm getting the following error as soon as I import QuantLib
>using python:
> >> ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/QuantLib/
>undefined symbol:
> >> _ZNK8QuantLib28BlackVolatilityTermStructure17blackVarianceImplEddb
>This does not occur when running one of the examples.
>I did a CVS update, but nothing has been updated since my last checkout. Any
>suggestions, fixes?
Maybe the QuantLib-Python module got out of synch with the C++ library on
your machine? May you try and rebuild it? ("it" being the Python module)
Or maybe you ended up with multiple versions lying around? May you try a
"locate" to check it?