Use code in legacy folder of quantlib

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Use code in legacy folder of quantlib

manas bhatt
 I am planning to use the code present in quantlib\ql\legacy\libormarketmodels. Is it ok to use that code or is there new code which can be used in place of the legacy. I am asking this question because there is a test case in testsuite which uses the code present in legacy folder as well a project called MarketModels in quantlib which uses the legacy code.
Since the legacy code is suitable for the work i am working on right now, it would be helpful if someone can tell whether it is ok to use the code present in that folder

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Re: Use code in legacy folder of quantlib

Luigi Ballabio
2011/12/6 manas bhatt <[hidden email]>:
>  I am planning to use the code present in
> quantlib\ql\legacy\libormarketmodels. Is it ok to use that code or is there
> new code which can be used in place of the legacy.

The code in ql/models/marketmodels replaced most of it.  I think
there's still some bits of functionality in the old code that are not
yet covered by the new, but I don't remember what they are.  Klaus,
maybe you can chime in?


Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
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Re: Use code in legacy folder of quantlib

Klaus Spanderen-2
Hi Manas

the code in ql/legacy/libormarketmodels is replaced by the code in
ql/models/marketmodels. If you start a new project I'd strongly recommend to
base it on the newer implementation in ql/models/marketmodels.


On Tuesday 06 December 2011 17:57:41 Luigi Ballabio wrote:

> 2011/12/6 manas bhatt <[hidden email]>:
> >  I am planning to use the code present in
> > quantlib\ql\legacy\libormarketmodels. Is it ok to use that code or is
> > there new code which can be used in place of the legacy.
> The code in ql/models/marketmodels replaced most of it.  I think
> there's still some bits of functionality in the old code that are not
> yet covered by the new, but I don't remember what they are.  Klaus,
> maybe you can chime in?
> Luigi
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>--- Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
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