When you cannot hedge continuously

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When you cannot hedge continuously

Aurelien Chanudet-2
Hi QuantLib users,

I'm looking for a copy of the research paper which is
alluded to in the DiscreteHedging example (When you
cannot hedge continuously: the corrections to B&S) ?
The link included in C++ source file appears to be out
of date. Can someone provide me with a copy ?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: When you cannot hedge continuously

Ferdinando M. Ametrano-3
Hi Aurelien,

>I'm looking for a copy of the research paper which is
>alluded to in the DiscreteHedging example (When you
>cannot hedge continuously: the corrections to B&S) ?
>The link included in C++ source file appears to be out
>of date. Can someone provide me with a copy ?

Thank you for the broken link report, I've fixed it in the CVS.

The paper:

or even better ;-)


ciao -- Nando