anyone using Quantlib-Swig-0.9.6+ with Python 2.3?

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anyone using Quantlib-Swig-0.9.6+ with Python 2.3?

I have built QuantLib-SWIG 0.9.6 for Python 2.6 using the Visual Studio 2008 compiler and everything works great.

Now I need to access QuantLib from within Sungard Front Arena 2.2 which forces the use of Python 2.3

Python C extensions have to be built with the same compiler used to built Python itself so I need to be able to build QuantLib with a compiler compatible with Python 2.3. I know that Visual C++ 6.0 was used for Python 2.3, and I also know that Visual C++ 6.0 can't be used to build QuantLib 0.9.6 (fair enough--it's an ancient compiler)

I've seen some references on the web to the fact that mingw32 can be used to build Python 2.3 C extensions. So my question is has anyone ever built QuantLib-SWIG 0.9.6+ using mingw32? If so can you please tell me exactly the steps you took to do so.

Thanks for any help!


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Re: anyone using Quantlib-Swig-0.9.6+ with Python 2.3?

Luigi Ballabio
On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 07:05 -0800, kmanley wrote:
> I've seen some references on the web to the fact that mingw32 can be used to
> build Python 2.3 C extensions. So my question is has anyone ever built
> QuantLib-SWIG 0.9.6+ using mingw32? If so can you please tell me exactly the
> steps you took to do so.

It's been years since I did it, but I guess you'll have to:

1) build QuantLib with gcc. You can do it either from within the mingw
shell (I'm not familiar with that, though) or with Dev-C++ by using the project distributed in the release;

2) tell Python to use gcc when compiling the extension. You'll do it by

python build --compiler=mingw32

As I said, it's been a while, so the above might fail. Please tell me
how you fare, so we can try to fix any errors...



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Re: anyone using Quantlib-Swig-0.9.6+ with Python 2.3?

In reply to this post by kmanley

I've seen some references on the web to the fact that mingw32 can be used to build Python 2.3 C extensions. So my question is has anyone ever built QuantLib-SWIG 0.9.6+ using mingw32? If so can you please tell me exactly the steps you took to do so.

Thanks for any help!

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