I already sent this problem and this is a fix proposal:
The problem:
On Unix the example EuropeanOption gives the wrong result
Method Value EstimatedError Discrepancy Rel. Discr.
Black Scholes 3.2422 0.0000 0.000000 0.000000
Call-Put parity 3.2422 N/A 0 0.000000
It comes from the fact that in europeanoption.hpp" the following const
static member is declared:
static const Math::CumulativeNormalDistribution f_ but This variable "f_"
is never explicitly initialized.
To fix this problem we changed the following:
In europeanoption.cpp
we remove the row
// const Math::CumulativeNormalDistribution EuropeanOption::f_;
in europeanoption.hpp we add
#ifdef quantlib_global_define
const Math::CumulativeNormalDistribution EuropeanOption::f_ =
in EuropeanOption.cpp we add:
#define quantlib_global_define
this gives the correct result under Unix with gcc and c++ sun compiler.
Could you please integrate this fix in Quantlib?
(See attached file: europeanoption.hpp)(See attached file:
europeanoption.cpp.ql)(See attached file: europeanoption.cpp)
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