coerce problem under Linux/amd64-gcc

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coerce problem under Linux/amd64-gcc

Lars Callenbach

compiling 1.1.0 with calc addins under Linux/amd64 (gcc) and Windows
(Visual Studio 10) give different results. Under Linux sheets in the
repository do not work (in contrast to Windows). The error message is
INFO - ERROR: qlFlatForward: Unable to coerce value from type
'N5boost10shared_ptrIN13ObjectHandler6ObjectEEE' to type
'N8QuantLib6HandleINS_5QuoteEEE' - all conversions failed

Help appreciated.


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Re: coerce problem under Linux/amd64-gcc

Lars Callenbach

this problem is not restricted to SimpleQuote/FlatForward. Under Linux I
see for example the following error messages:
INFO - ERROR: qlGeneralizedBlackScholesProcess: Error retrieving object
with id 'blackvol1' - unable to convert reference to type
'N13QuantLibAddin21BlackVolTermStructureE' found instead
INFO - ERROR: qlVanillaOption: Error retrieving object with id
'eu_payoff' - unable to convert reference to type
'N13QuantLibAddin17StrikedTypePayoffE' found instead
The second error does not make sense, does it?


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Fri, 23 Dec 2011 21:50:06 +0100
Von: "Lars Callenbach" <[hidden email]>
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: coerce problem under Linux/amd64-gcc


compiling 1.1.0 with calc addins under Linux/amd64 (gcc) and Windows
(Visual Studio 10) give different results. Under Linux sheets in the
repository do not work (in contrast to Windows). The error message is
INFO - ERROR: qlFlatForward: Unable to coerce value from type
'N5boost10shared_ptrIN13ObjectHandler6ObjectEEE' to type
'N8QuantLib6HandleINS_5QuoteEEE' - all conversions failed

Help appreciated.


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