curve bootstrapping

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curve bootstrapping

Hi Luigi;

In the curve bootstrapping method , for each instrument , quantlib solves the following equation using newton optimistaion : the implied quote - the theoritical quote =0.0 by adjusting the discount factor.
This costs a lot, why don't we just solve    price of each instrument =0.0 ?

Because by calculating the theoritcal quote , it's easy when you have a swap, the implied quote (the swap rate) is a closed formula but if you have another instrument, sometimes it's quite difficult.

And We can't change the quoteError()  function in rateHelper because the method is public ?


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RE: curve bootstrapping

Toyin Akin

The whole point of the boot strapping methodology is not only to reprice the
given instruments correctly, but more importantly, to arrive at a set of
discount factors that we can use to price other instruments.

Discount factors are the basis for pricing and discounting most (non-option
type) instrument.

Unless I am missing something...

Toyin Akin.

>From: [hidden email]
>To: [hidden email]
>CC: [hidden email]
>Subject: [Quantlib-users] curve bootstrapping
>Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 10:40:06 +0100
>Hi Luigi;
>In the curve bootstrapping method , for each instrument , quantlib solves
>the following equation using newton optimistaion : the implied quote - the
>theoritical quote =0.0 by adjusting the discount factor.
>This costs a lot, why don't we just solve    price of each instrument =0.0
>Because by calculating the theoritcal quote , it's easy when you have a
>swap, the implied quote (the swap rate) is a closed formula but if you have
>another instrument, sometimes it's quite difficult.
>And We can't change the quoteError()  function in rateHelper because the
>method is public ?
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Re: curve bootstrapping

Luigi Ballabio
>> From: [hidden email]
>> To: [hidden email]
>> CC: [hidden email]
>> Subject: [Quantlib-users] curve bootstrapping
>> Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 10:40:06 +0100
>> In the curve bootstrapping method , for each instrument , quantlib  
>> solves the following equation using newton optimistaion : the  
>> implied quote - the theoritical quote =0.0 by adjusting the discount  
>> factor.
>> This costs a lot, why don't we just solve    price of each  
>> instrument =0.0 ?

At the quoted rate, the price equals 0 only for swaps. Deposits,  
forwards and futures have positive prices. Therefore, price = 0 cannot  
be used as a generic condition for all instruments.



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1) Write down the problem.
2) Think very hard.
3) Write down the solution.

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visual studio 2005 compile?

M L-3
Hi There,

Does anyone know if quantlib compiles under the new visual c++ in visual
studio 2005? The new VS 2005 supports parallel computing using multiple
cores/processors. or does anyone know of any other platform that supports

many thanks


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Re: visual studio 2005 compile?

Ferdinando M. Ametrano-3
Hi Mike

> Does anyone know if quantlib compiles under the new visual c++ in visual
> studio 2005?
yes it does. I've personally tested the new forthcoming release

> The new VS 2005 supports parallel computing using multiple
> cores/processors.

I don't know what you exactly means. Parallel computing was possible
even with olderMS compilers.

You might be refferring to the fact that Visual Studio 2005 can use
all processors available  in order to compile the source code, whichis

ciao -- Nando