Hi all,
I use the Bloomber swap curve to discount price (under 2 year I use the deposit rate?). Well, the problem is that I could not get the right actualised price! For example, Knowing the payment dates D_i, and today is D. The cashflow is C_i. Then I used the formule, (let's T the termstructure) \sum_{i} T->discount(D_i)*C_i / T->discount(D) Can someone show me the right way. I get crazy with such " problem". XUan Son |
Hi Xuan I believe the formula your looking for is this: \sum_{i} T->discount(D_i)*C_i * T->discount(D) where T->discont(D) is the discount factor which allow you to go from the value date of the instrument (e.g. EUDRC Index on Bloomberg for Eur deposit 3month has value date 08/09/04) to today. Then what you mean for "the right actualized price"? you mean the one you see on Bloomberg. In this case if you want to replicate it you'd better use a libor curve bostrapped with 8 futures too instead of using only deposit and swaps. Bloomberg shows you benchmark boostrapped libor curve with deposit and futures only (I'm referring to IYC function) but in it's calculation for pricing purpose Bloomberg use the boostrapped libor curve with the 8 futures too (for the main currencies). To prove this consider a plain vanilla bond on BBG type ASW go then 3 go and you'll see the discounting curve Bloomberg is using. I hope this will help. Chiara Chiara Fornarola Risk Pricing e Valutazioni Finanziarie Direzione Risk Management Servizio Portfolio Management Piazza P. Ferrari, 10 20121 Milano Tel +39 0287939108 Fax +39 0287937646
Hi all, I use the Bloomber swap curve to discount price (under 2 year I use the deposit rate?). Well, the problem is that I could not get the right actualised price! For example, Knowing the payment dates D_i, and today is D. The cashflow is C_i. Then I used the formule, (let's T the termstructure) \sum_{i} T->discount(D_i)*C_i / T->discount(D) Can someone show me the right way. I get crazy with such " problem". XUan Son ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email is sponsored by OSTG. Have you noticed the changes on Linux.com, ITManagersJournal and NewsForge in the past few weeks? Now, one more big change to announce. We are now OSTG- Open Source Technology Group. Come see the changes on the new OSTG site. www.ostg.com _______________________________________________ Quantlib-users mailing list [hidden email] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/quantlib-users ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chi riceve il presente messaggio e` tenuto a verificare se lo stesso non gli sia pervenuto per errore. In tal caso e` pregato di avvisare immediatamente il mittente e, tenuto conto delle responsabilita` connesse all'indebito utilizzo e/o divulgazione del messaggio e/o delle informazioni in esso contenute, voglia cancellare l'originale e distruggere le varie copie o stampe. The receiver of this message is required to check if he/she has received it erroneously. If so, the receiver is requested to immediately inform the sender and - in consideration of the responsibilities arising from undue use and/or disclosure of the message and/or the information contained therein - destroy the original message and any copy or printout thereof. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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