excel crashing as it closes when using quantlib.xll

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excel crashing as it closes when using quantlib.xll

P Nelnik
Greetings all,

It seems that QuanLib.xll will cause excel to crash as it closes when either:
    1: the name of the workbook was changed, ( i.e. the user has done a 'save as' )
    2: the file is read only.
or 3: some other conditions

For example when I
open a clean empty workbook in excel 2007,
add the following formula into a cell:
save the file
and close excel,
then I find that it will crash

However if I don't save it, then I find that it doesn't crash as it is closed.

Also if I
(i):open excel 2007
(ii): load a read-only copy of a quantlib example sheet, such as:   QuantLibXL\Workbooks\StandalongExamples\Bond.xls
(iii): close excel,
It will crash as it closes

The message I get is:
    Microsoft Office Excel has stopped working

I'm using QuantLib.xll version 0.9.7



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