On 01/13/05 23:28:59, b.nonas wrote:
> I found a problem accessing the last (i.e. highest element) of a vector
> by using 1D interpolation. The problem seems to be the xEnd-1 as the
> upper bound for the std::upper_bound(xBegin,xEnd-1,value) function in
> locate (Real x).
> upper_bound returns a pointer to [a.begin(),...,a.end) where the pointer
> to the last field is only returned for value>=last element. By passing
> a.end()-1 to the function we are therefore effectively passing only the
> array
> [a[0],...,a.end()-2].
that is intentional. locate() returns an index j which is later
used to interpolate between v[j] and v[j+1]. Therefore, j cannot be N-1 as
in this case v[j+1] would be off the end of the vector. When a value is
asked close to the end of the range, locate() returns N-2 so that the data
are interpolated between v[N-2] and v[N-1] and the correct value is