need help with XLA digital signature

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need help with XLA digital signature

Ferdinando M. Ametrano-3
Hi all

so far I've signed the QuantLibXL.xla with a "test" certificate I've
generated on my workstation.
Unfortunately I have to give up that workstation and the private part
of the certificate cannot be exported, at least as far as far as I

For the 0.9.9/1.0 release I would need help about (in order of preference) :
1) exporting the certificate, so that existing users don't have to
install a new certificate for 1.0
2) obtaining a cheap (possibly free) _movable_ certificate that I can
use for signing 1.0 onwards

Otherwise I will just generate a new "test" certificate on my new
workstation and keep living sadly ever after

Any help appreciated

ciao -- Nando

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