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(no subject)

Yong C W
I have just installed QuantLib 0.3.7 and tried building it using Visual C++.
But I keep getting the message

        " ... fatal error C1189: #error :  using an old version of xlw,
please update"

Even after I commented out the following lines from qlxl.hpp

        #if XLW_HEX_VERSION < 0x010203a0
    #error using an old version of xlw, please update

I still get the following error

        LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file "xlwd.lib"
        Error executing link.exe.

I have version 1.2.2 of XLW. Is there a newer version? Where can I get it?

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Re: (no subject)


Your question relates to QuantLibXL, the QuantLib Addin for Excel.  

On Sun, 2004-08-01 at 09:22, Yong C W wrote:
> Hi
> I have just installed QuantLib 0.3.7 and tried building it using Visual C++.
> But I keep getting the message
> " ... fatal error C1189: #error :  using an old version of xlw,
> please update"

QuantLibXL is built from a development version of XLW which is not
available from the XLW downloads page and must be checked out from the
XLW CVS tree.  (Even then, last time I checked the CVS version currently
available was not identical to the one that had been used to build

> Even after I commented out the following lines from qlxl.hpp
> #if XLW_HEX_VERSION < 0x010203a0
>     #error using an old version of xlw, please update
> #endif

I have used this trick successfully - but there may be cases where
QuantLibXL depends on the correct version of XLW and malfunctions or
crashes without it.

> I still get the following error
> Linking...
> LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file "xlwd.lib"
> Error executing link.exe.

XLW ships with the production lib, xlw.lib, you may be able to compile
QuantLibXL against that, or build the debug lib xlwd.lib by recompiling
XLW from source.

In either case you need to tell your compiler the path to the directory
containing xlwd.lib - under project properties, libraries, update the
list of lib directories.

I haven't recompiled QuantLibXL for a couple of months so I may have
forgotten something, if you're still stuck then send another message and
we'll figure it out.
