I am relatively new to using third party software libraries, and I am
trying to make some changes to quantlib. What is the proper way to
recompile the library so the changes take effect? Please reply to
[hidden email] . Thanks a lot!
On 07/12/2006 05:51:57 PM, Uri Laserson wrote:
> I am relatively new to using third party software libraries, and I am
> trying to make some changes to quantlib. What is the proper way to
> recompile the library so the changes take effect?
The same way you compiled it the first time. What compiler are you
feature, n:
A surprising property of a program. Occasionally documented.
To call a property a feature sometimes means the author did not
consider that case, and the program makes an unexpected, though
not necessarily wrong response. See BUG. "That's not a bug,
it's a feature!" A bug can be changed to a feature by
documenting it.