semantics of t0 and dt in HestonProcess::evolve(...)

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semantics of t0 and dt in HestonProcess::evolve(...)

Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm not a quant but am trying to do something with quantlib.

I am trying to generate a path using HestonProcess, but am unsure of the semantics of t0 and dt in the evolve() function.

If I configure HestonProcess with annualised volatilities and want to generate a path representing daily values for asset price and vol for the next 2 years, what do I pass for t0 and dt on each call to evolve?

Thanks for your help

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Re: semantics of t0 and dt in HestonProcess::evolve(...)

Luigi Ballabio
On Thu, 2008-10-16 at 09:14 -0700, kmanley wrote:
> Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm not a quant but am trying to do
> something with quantlib.
> I am trying to generate a path using HestonProcess, but am unsure of the
> semantics of t0 and dt in the evolve() function.
> If I configure HestonProcess with annualised volatilities and want to
> generate a path representing daily values for asset price and vol for the
> next 2 years, what do I pass for t0 and dt on each call to evolve?

Daily steps corresponds to dt = 1/365.  For the first step, you would
use t0 = 0, dt = 1/365.  The second step would start where the first
arrived, so t0 = 1/365, dt as before.  For the third step, t0 = 2/365
and dt as before---and so on.

A note though: the above holds if you want to generate the paths
yourself.  You'll be better off using the MultiPathGenerator class; you
can pass it the Heston process and the desired time grid, and it will
generate the paths for you.



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