standard includes

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standard includes

Gilbert Peffer
Since I am not a C++ wizard (at least not of the modern sort), could anybody
give me a pointer to some standard info on the philosophy behind the stuff
in <algorithm>, <functional>, etc.
Cheers, Gilbert

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Re: standard includes

Luigi Ballabio-3
At 05:44 PM 7/4/01 +0200, Gilbert Peffer wrote:
>Since I am not a C++ wizard (at least not of the modern sort), could anybody
>give me a pointer to some standard info on the philosophy behind the stuff
>in <algorithm>, <functional>, etc.

I would advise "The C++ Programming Language from mr.C++ himself:

Instead of introducing C++ as a better C, it uses the STL from page 1,
showing how it and its idioms are an actual part of C++.


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Re: standard includes

> I would advise "The C++ Programming Language from mr.C++ himself:
> Instead of introducing C++ as a better C, it uses the STL from page 1,
> showing how it and its idioms are an actual part of C++.

Before you read C++ book by BS, I suggest reading C++ Primer by S. B.
