i am unable to compile code when i included a couple of lines of code
in a mfc windows application. the same code compiles when i create a
dos console application under vsnet 2002.
here are the line of code i tried:
FdEuropean callOption = FdEuropean(Option::Call, currentPrice,
strikePrice, divYield, riskFree, optionLife, vol);
the errors i get are
'(' illegal token on right side of:: in file fdbsmoption.hpp
at line 81 which is
inline Size FdBsmOption::safeGridPoints(Size gridPoints,
Time residualTime) {
return QL_MAX(gridPoints, residualTime>1.0 ?
static_cast<Size>((QL_NUM_OPT_MIN_GRID_POINTS +
(residualTime-1.0) *
this code compiles find for win32 cosole apps.. problem is there only
for windows app using mfc and winapi..
is there some compiler setting i need to compile this correctly?.. if
anyone has a simple windows app that uses quantlib could you please
send it to me with the workspace, project files etc..
thanks and any help is appreicated...