This is
the first time I use a mail list, sorry for the bad manner.
I use
Visual studio 2015 community, boost 1_59_0 and QuantLib-1.6.1.
After use
command .\b2, the Boost C++ libraries were successfully built!
I opened the QuantLib_vc14.sln in VS2015 and built the solusion
release( static runtime) win32.
-> D:\QuantLib-1.6.1\.\lib\QuantLib-vc140-mt-s.lib
then local windows debugging Bonds.cpp, error prompt: "Unable to start D:\QuantLib-1.6.1\.\lib\QuantLib-vc140-mt-s.lib unknown error 0x800700c1".
checked all path and tried to rebuild Boost
and Quantlib, the error remain. Please help.
QuantLib-users mailing list
[hidden email]