At 3:29 PM +0100 12/31/02, Jens Thiel wrote:
>Hi Luigi,
> template<class Interpolator1D>
> double LocalVolCurve<Interpolator1D>::localVolImpl(
> Time t, double, bool extrapolate) const {
> double dt = (1.0/365.0),
> var1 = blackVarianceCurve_->blackVariance(t,extrapolate),
> var2 = blackVarianceCurve_->blackVariance(t+dt,true),
> derivative = (var2-var1)/dt;
> return QL_SQRT(derivative);
> }
>in the calls to blackVarianceCurve_->blackVariance the only matching method
>signature I could find is:
> //! Black present (a.k.a spot) variance
> double BlackVolTermStructure::blackVariance(Time maturity,
> double strike,
> bool extrapolate = false) const;
>Is this, as I guess, a C++ type conversion "feature" (aka unnoticed error)
I hate C++ when it does this.
I'll fix it when I'm back to work.
Happy new year,