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QuantLib on Linux

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QuantLib on Linux


it is a not a message about QuantLib but about Linux Programming.

Just to ask you some suggestions about IDE to write programs and debug

I use gcc (like everybody) and my editor is EMACS (I don't line it very
much, I would prefer somethig like ultraedit...)

The best debugger is GDB, but I don't have any GUI for it, and using it
from the command-line it a very good way to waste time...

some what about your preferred IDE for coding and debugging?

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Re: QuantLib on Linux

Luigi Ballabio-2
At 3:41 PM +0200 4/23/03, [hidden email] wrote:

>it is a not a message about QuantLib but about Linux Programming.
>Just to ask you some suggestions about IDE to write programs and debug
>I use gcc (like everybody) and my editor is EMACS (I don't line it very
>much, I would prefer somethig like ultraedit...)
>The best debugger is GDB, but I don't have any GUI for it, and using it
>from the command-line it a very good way to waste time...
>some what about your preferred IDE for coding and debugging?

My two cents: I use gcc (like everybody) and my editor is Emacs
(which I like very much since ultraedit can't be modified by Lisp
macros :)
As for debugging, I use gdb from inside emacs---just type M-x gdb and
you're good to go. It does a nice enough work of showing you the
source in one panel while putting the gdb command line in the other.
It's not the Visual Studio debugger, but it is light years ahead
using gdb from the command line.


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Re: QuantLib on Linux

Kris .
In reply to this post by andrea.odetti-2
You guys want to also look at ecb http://ecb.sourceforge.net 
together with speedbar it makes a very cool enviroment to work in!

my 2 centavos!

----- Original Message -----
From: Luigi Ballabio <[hidden email]>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 18:43:44 +0200
To: [hidden email], [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Quantlib-users] QuantLib on Linux

> At 3:41 PM +0200 4/23/03, [hidden email] wrote:
> >it is a not a message about QuantLib but about Linux Programming.
> >
> >Just to ask you some suggestions about IDE to write programs and debug
> >code:
> >
> >I use gcc (like everybody) and my editor is EMACS (I don't line it very
> >much, I would prefer somethig like ultraedit...)
> >
> >The best debugger is GDB, but I don't have any GUI for it, and using it
> >from the command-line it a very good way to waste time...
> >
> >some what about your preferred IDE for coding and debugging?
> My two cents: I use gcc (like everybody) and my editor is Emacs
> (which I like very much since ultraedit can't be modified by Lisp
> macros :)
> As for debugging, I use gdb from inside emacs---just type M-x gdb and
> you're good to go. It does a nice enough work of showing you the
> source in one panel while putting the gdb command line in the other.
> It's not the Visual Studio debugger, but it is light years ahead
> using gdb from the command line.
> Bye,
> Luigi
> -------------------------------------------------------
> This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
> Welcome to geek heaven.
> http://thinkgeek.com/sf
> _______________________________________________
> Quantlib-users mailing list
> [hidden email]
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/quantlib-users

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Re: QuantLib on Linux

Kris .
In reply to this post by andrea.odetti-2
You guys want to also look at ecb http://ecb.sourceforge.net 
together with speedbar it makes a very cool enviroment to work in!

my 2 iraqi dinars!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Luigi Ballabio <[hidden email]>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 18:43:44 +0200
To: [hidden email], [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Quantlib-users] QuantLib on Linux

> At 3:41 PM +0200 4/23/03, [hidden email] wrote:
> >it is a not a message about QuantLib but about Linux Programming.
> >
> >Just to ask you some suggestions about IDE to write programs and debug
> >code:
> >
> >I use gcc (like everybody) and my editor is EMACS (I don't line it very
> >much, I would prefer somethig like ultraedit...)
> >
> >The best debugger is GDB, but I don't have any GUI for it, and using it
> >from the command-line it a very good way to waste time...
> >
> >some what about your preferred IDE for coding and debugging?
> My two cents: I use gcc (like everybody) and my editor is Emacs
> (which I like very much since ultraedit can't be modified by Lisp
> macros :)
> As for debugging, I use gdb from inside emacs---just type M-x gdb and
> you're good to go. It does a nice enough work of showing you the
> source in one panel while putting the gdb command line in the other.
> It's not the Visual Studio debugger, but it is light years ahead
> using gdb from the command line.
> Bye,
> Luigi
> -------------------------------------------------------
> This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
> Welcome to geek heaven.
> http://thinkgeek.com/sf
> _______________________________________________
> Quantlib-users mailing list
> [hidden email]
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/quantlib-users

Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.com

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RE: QuantLib on Linux

Bernd Johannes Wuebben-3
In reply to this post by Luigi Ballabio-2

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email]
> [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf
> Of Luigi Ballabio
> Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 12:44 PM
> To: [hidden email]; [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [Quantlib-users] QuantLib on Linux
> At 3:41 PM +0200 4/23/03, [hidden email] wrote:
> >it is a not a message about QuantLib but about Linux Programming.
> >
> >Just to ask you some suggestions about IDE to write programs
> and debug
> >code:
> >
> >I use gcc (like everybody) and my editor is EMACS (I don't
> line it very
> >much, I would prefer somethig like ultraedit...)
> >
> >The best debugger is GDB, but I don't have any GUI for it,
> and using it
> >from the command-line it a very good way to waste time...
> >
> >some what about your preferred IDE for coding and debugging?
> My two cents: I use gcc (like everybody) and my editor is Emacs
> (which I like very much since ultraedit can't be modified by Lisp
> macros :)
> As for debugging, I use gdb from inside emacs---just type M-x gdb and
> you're good to go. It does a nice enough work of showing you the
> source in one panel while putting the gdb command line in the other.
> It's not the Visual Studio debugger, but it is light years ahead
> using gdb from the command line.
> Bye,
> Luigi
> -------------------------------------------------------
> This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
> Welcome to geek heaven.
> http://thinkgeek.com/sf
> _______________________________________________
> Quantlib-users mailing list
> [hidden email]
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/quantlib-users