pricing Synthetic Convertible using MBRM Add-in

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pricing Synthetic Convertible using MBRM Add-in

Abraham Robinson-3
We have just downloaded your Universal Convertible Add-in(30-day trial) and installed on my assistant's PC.
I can open the MBRM UNIVCONV attached example only.
How can we try out this software to price and simulate our synthetic convertible bond using a 2-factor trinomial recombining Tree and a BDT process? Where's the worksheet to input the values and variables and get the output?
We have the mathematical formula etc ready. Just let us know how do we access the required function from your Add-in to do above task.
Please give step by step instructions.
Abraham Robinson

Enrich your life at Yahoo! Canada Finance
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Re: pricing Synthetic Convertible using MBRM Add-in


Are you sure [hidden email] is the contact list?
I didn't know Quantlib was selling a convertible addin with MBRM.

Abraham Robinson <[hidden email]>
Sent by: [hidden email]

13/04/2006 18:48

[hidden email]
[Quantlib-users] pricing Synthetic Convertible using MBRM Add-in

We have just downloaded your Universal Convertible Add-in(30-day trial) and installed on my assistant's PC.
I can open the MBRM UNIVCONV attached example only.
How can we try out this software to price and simulate our synthetic convertible bond using a 2-factor trinomial recombining Tree and a BDT process? Where's the worksheet to input the values and variables and get the output?
We have the mathematical formula etc ready. Just let us know how do we access the required function from your Add-in to do above task.
Please give step by step instructions.
Abraham Robinson

Enrich your life at Yahoo! Canada Finance=
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Re: pricing Synthetic Convertible using MBRM Add-in

Ferdinando M. Ametrano-3
In reply to this post by Abraham Robinson-3
Hi Abraham,

> We have just downloaded your Universal Convertible Add-in(30-day trial) and
> installed on my assistant's PC.
sorry, but QuantLib has no relationship with MBRM UNIVCONV.

ciao -- Nando